About the Listen Function: ReadSpeaker webReader

With ReadSpeaker webReader, the content on a website can be read aloud to you. Just one click, and the text on a web page is simultaneously read aloud and highlighted so you can easily follow along, regardless of which kind of device you are using or where you may be. This makes the content more accessible and visiting the website is a more enriching experience. As a user, you don't have to download anything.

How does it work?

Button Read aloud, ReadSpeaker
Button Read aloud, ReadSpeaker
Button Read aloud, ReadSpeaker
Button Read aloud, ReadSpeaker
  • Activate webReader by clicking the Listen button.
  • View a clutter-free version of the web page with text in your preferred font, size and colour as it is read aloud and highlighted.

Individuell settings

Button Read aloud and Menu, ReadSpeaker
Button Read aloud and Menu, ReadSpeaker
Button Read aloud and Menu, ReadSpeaker
Button Read aloud and Menu, ReadSpeaker
  • Personalise reading speed, highlighting colours, and more.
  • Click in a paragraph to have it read out automatically.
  • Use the Enlarge Text feature to show the text being read at the bottom of the page in a large font size.
  • Download an audio version of your content for offline listening.
  • Try reading through the Help Tool to pick up ideas on how to make optimal use of webReader's features. Instructions on how to use each feature are provided in the Help Tool.

Further useful functions

Further functions, ReadSpeaker
Further functions, ReadSpeaker
Further functions, ReadSpeaker
Further functions, ReadSpeaker
  • Select text and click the Listen button in the pop-up menu that appears to have the selected text read aloud.
  • Select a word and find its definition in the dictionary.
  • Translate a selected text to a number of languages.
    • Have the text read out in the target language.

Keyboard Navigation

webReader can be activated, i.e. focus can be set on the Listen button, with the access key “K”. The access key “L” will set focus on the player and also start the reading. Many of the webReader tools and features also have a dedicated access key. Access keys are activated with modifier keys, which differ depending on the browser and the operating system used.

Inside the player and menu, i.e. when the user has set focus on the player, tab/shift+tab can be used to navigate and the enter or space key to activate a certain button or option. The Esc key can be used to stop the current action, close the menu, or close a dialog window, depending on the context.

  • Put focus on Listen button: Modifier + K
  • Activate webReader player: Modifier + L
  • Open/close menu: Modifier + 1
  • Open Help Tool: Modifier + I
  • Other access keys: see Help Tool


webReader is best used with cookies enabled, as it will allow the user’s personal settings to be saved between sessions.

Platforms and web browsers

webReader is a device-independent and cross-platform solution. It should work with:

  • All commonly used online devices: PC, laptop, Chromebook, tablet, smartphone, and more.
  • All major operating systems: Windows, Chrome, Android, iOS/iPadOS, macOS, Linux, and more.
  • All major browsers:
    • for laptops and PCs: IE10+, Edge, Chrome (and other Chromium browsers), Firefox and Safari
    • for mobile devices: Safari and Chrome on iOS/iPadOS devices, Chrome on Android devices

To learn more about ReadSpeaker, visit the Website of ReadSpeaker .