Tax Office (Steueramt)
The Tax Office is the contact for state and municipal tax as well as withholding tax.
Opening hours
Day | Morning | Afternoon |
Monday to Wednesday | 08.30-11.30 h | 13.30-17.00 h |
Thursday | 08.30-11.30 h | 13.30-18.00 h |
Friday | 08.30-11.30 h | 13.30-16.00 h |
Annual Tax Declaration
The state and municipal taxes of private individuals are provisionally collected in each tax period.
Tax return - extension of deadline
Requests from private individuals for an extension of the deadline for submitting the tax return must be submitted in writing to the municipal tax office.
Apply for a residence permit
Foreign nationals require a residence permit to take up residence in Kreuzlingen.
Integration Competence Centre (KOI)
The Integration Competence Centre (KOI) of the Kreuzlingen district was commissioned by the federal government, the canton and the fourteen municipalities of the district to improve coexistence between the native and immigrant population.

Integration offers
Naturalisation procedure
The naturalisation procedure has three stages. A person acquires Swiss citizenship after being granted municipal citizenship, federal citizenship and cantonal citizenship.

Payments to the City of Kreuzlingen
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Report move
Anyone moving to Kreuzlingen must register with the Residents' Registration Office within 14 days.