Naturalisation procedure - Acquisition of Swiss citizenship
The naturalisation commission is responsible for the procedure in the city of Kreuzlingen. The acquisition of Swiss citizenship in the city of Kreuzlingen is governed by federal, cantonal and municipal laws, ordinances and regulations.
Regular naturalisation
This procedure is aimed at all foreign nationals who have generally lived in Switzerland for at least ten years and hold a C settlement permit. In the brochure "Information zum Einbürgerungsverfahren" (German), you will find the detailed requirements as well as a brief overview of the naturalisation procedure.
Further information on the regular naturalisation procedure can be found on the website of the Canton of Thurgau (German) .

Detailed requirements as well as a brief overview of the naturalisation procedure.

Citymap Kreuzlingen, Quartiersgrenzen
Online-preliminary clarification
You can test whether you meet the requirements for naturalisation with the online-preliminary clarification (German).
Facilitated naturalisation
Foreigners who meet special requirements can go through a simplified procedure to obtain citizenship. The Office of the Commercial Register and Civil Status (German) in Frauenfeld is responsible for the procedure in the canton of Thurgau.