Departments A-Z
Departements of the City Administration.
Building Administration (Bauverwaltung)
The Building Administration is your contact for advice on procedures, information on legal requirements and other topics related to building and urban planning.
Burial Office (Bestattungsamt)
The staff of the Burial Office are there to advise and support you in the event of a death. Together with the relatives, they organise the farewell ceremony and the funeral.
City Chancellery (Stadtkanzlei)
The City Chancellery is the central contact point for the City Council, the Municipal Council and is responsible for the proper conduct of elections and votes. The Residents' Registration Office, the Burial Office and the Arbitration Authority for Tenancy Matters are also part of the City Chancellery.
City Gardening (Stadtgärtnerei)
The employees of the City Gardening Department maintain the municipal green spaces, such as the parks on the lakeshore. In addition, they look after many flowers, plants, lawns and football pitches.
Energie Kreuzlingen (Energy, Water)
Energie Kreuzlingen supplies the population of Kreuzlingen with electricity, gas and drinking water. Public lighting, ensuring the supply of water for fire protection and the public wells also fall within the remit of Energie Kreuzlingen.
Finance Department (Finanzen)
The Finance Department is responsible for all accounting and payroll. It prepares the annual financial statement and monitors the financial development and key figures.
Human Resources Service (Personaldienst)
The municipal administration, including Energie Kreuzlingen, and its employees provide a first-class service for the citizens. Apprentices are trained in the following professions: Commercial clerk, IT specialist, gardener EBA, maintenance clerk EBA, geomatics specialist, grid electrician.

Kreuzlingen Civil Protection Organisation (Zivilschutzorganisation Kreuzlingen)

Kreuzlingen Fire Brigade (Feuerwehr Kreuzlingen)
Legal Guardianship Service (Gesetzlicher Betreuungsdienst)
The Legal Guardianship Service (GBD), also known as the Professional Guardianship Service, works on behalf of the Child and Adult Protection Authority (KESB).
Maintenance Department (Werkhof)
The Maintenance Department is responsible, among other things, for winter maintenance, a wide range of maintenance work and repairs, as well as cleaning work.
Presidium (Präsidium)
The central contact point for all customers is the Information Desk with Telephone Centre.